Fantastic Fall 2011's Season Launch

Published by Gwynne under , on 11:30 PM
Welcome back winter! As the weather started to cool down, we Bewilderknitters amped up our knitting to prepare for the new season - Fall 2011. We started at Sunnyslope Art Walk, which is the event we traditionally kick off the season with. We were next to Holly's Incognito Designs and also Lisa Takata who was spinning behind us. 

We take time in the off-season to improve the booth by executing one or more of our ideas. There's not enough time in the day to act on every single idea we have, but we do what we can :). Shay worked with Dan on the new awesome center slab of wood, which we really appreciate. Dan is a co-owner at Better Than New where he refinishes furniture and creates new furniture too.
See our new wood slab in the center?

Karen's felted purse and bangle matched her top that night!

The view of the Sunnyslope booth from behind the table
The following weekend, we took our annual camping trip up North and did a big knitting circle in the woods. Meanwhile the guys played a game of beanbag toss in the background. There was also some on-the-fly macho Bewildervan fixing. It involved Shay under the van with a zip tie and a screwdriver and magic hands. (I haven't introduced our van in the blog yet, but he is Spud, the amazing 1985 camper van VW Westfalia who spends the winters trolleying around the Bewilderknits booth!) There was also a bit of kayaking.
Karen working with Cora on a seam.

Adrian's focused aim.

Cora knitting in the shade of the van's awning with Dan's competitive toss in the background.

My campy-knitty-drinky setup.

My very long yarnbow scarf in progress!

Karen's bin of yarn goodies

Moon rising over us at the Rim
Glowing campfire embers
Karen's Almost-Shoplifted Scarf!
Continuing to gear up for the season to once again be in full swing, last weekend we had our first two-events-in-a-row stint for the season: November's First Friday at MADE followed by the Roadrunner Farmer's Market the next morning. Weather was amazingly wintry on Friday night, and we held out until rainfall. Luckily we managed to pack everything up before it was pouring like mad, and we got respite from the heavy rain by standing under the van's awning while packing everything up for the night. 

We also had our first shoplifter! He stole Karen's baby alpaca scarf while we were setting up. I chased the culprit down and stole it back. I'm a lot more bark than I am bite, but I think I made him feel really bad as I scolded him with a guilt trip and took it back! 
The spread on the left table
Fabulous hats of the moment, some are now gone!
Cora's five button cowls
My very Sesame-Streety scarflette
Vintage buttons don't have to match, they just have to coordinate.
Spalted Wood buttons on Cora's gold, sparkly scarflette
Into the Woods scarflette
Mossy knoll scarflette
I can't remember what they were excited about, a videogame on the cell maybe?
Muahahahaha - these are now mine! Thanks, Cora :)
A wall of loopy scarves
Wall of Scarves
Pretty Cora
Cora's felted earrings
 The next morning, first thing we showed up at Roadrunner Farmers Market early in the am. Weather was chilly and windy, loads of folks came with their dogs and it was a good relaxed time for all.
Dan manning the cell phone video game while Karen knits

Manning the booth with Cora

Karen's coat rack of purses

A very lovely hat by Cora
One thing we all like about Roadrunner is the laid back speed of things. You can come as you are, even sleep deprived and looking crazy, and it's all good.

Plus, we see a lot of dogs and kids. No other event we do has so many of them. It's super family-friendly. This works well for us because kids are drawn to the bright chunky colors we have in our booth. We have similar taste.
A view from behind the booth table
Pretty little visitor
The mirror has two faces
Another cute visitor
Two cool customers walking by!

All in all, despite our preparations, I don't know if it's ever possible to feel fully ready for the season. The To-Do list just continues to grow, and there are always new ideas and decisions to be made. We do have some exciting new things coming to the booth this season. Come see us and ask what we're up to. We appreciate everyone who comes to the booth and we work to always bring something new to the table. We have some Burly Spun and Malabrigo yarns for sale in our booth, and more where that comes from!


Cora's Purple Pony Handspun Yarn Featured in Two Etsy Treasuries

Published by coracoracora under , , , , on 5:55 PM
Recently my Purple Pony Handspun Yarn was featured in two etsy treasuries! First, it was listed in the treasury Purple Haze listed by Brenda Sprout, and then again in the treasury My Daughters Favorite Color by Kimforbeads.

It will expire in a matter of time, as all Etsy treasuries do. So here are the screen shots!

I have so much more yarn that I need to list on Etsy. Right now they're all waiting to be "thwacked." I'll get around to it one of these days. There's just so much going on!

Last weekend we were at First Friday in front of MADE Art Boutique and on Saturday morning we were at Roadrunners Farmers Market. It was super cold and breezy. What a great way to start off the season!

This Saturday we'll be participating in two events, Blueberry Deluxe Holiday Extravaganza and A.R.T.S. Market Pie Social. This will be our first dual event and will be splitting up the booth and man-power between the two events. It will be an experience for sure.

Come by, say hi, and check out all our new warm duds!